A full set of 4 casts displayed in a handmade box frame.

A popular option - a hand and foot set displayed in a custom handmade box frame.

Close up shot of the detail on this popular choice of baby casting keepsake.

A full set of 4 casts displayed in a handmade box frame.
3D Metallic Style Casting
Superb reproductions of even the tiniest fingerprints!
Because of the method we use to make the mould, we are able to reproduce a full 3D copy of your baby's hand or foot. Typically, you'll find that babies will clench their fist when having their mould taken; however, occasionally they will open their tiny hands and you'll see the palms too!
We will immerse your little one's hand or foot into a luke-warm alginate mixture which will take approximately 40-60 seconds to set. During this time, they are free to move their fingers and toes as the material will set and thicken around them.
When it's set, the resulting cast will be an exact reproduction of their hand or foot in the position it was in at exactly the time when the mould material set!
A truly unique casting, as you would never get the same cast twice - not even from the same baby!
High-grade plaster casts can be finished in either a bronze, silver or gold painted finish.
We recommend that your baby is at least 10 days old before having a casting taken.

Single Hand or Foot

Set of two casts
£114.98 (save £5.00)

Set of four casts
£229.96 (save £10.00)
Due to the nature of the moulding and casting of this type of keepsake, we are only able to get one cast from each mould made.
However, we can create rubber moulds of the master casting if additional reproductions are required, plus we can also create cold-cast metal castings from the rubber moulds - please ask for more details.
How do I get one made?
Check out our Events page and see if we have a 3D Metallic Style Casting Session coming up for you to book onto. If we don't have a suitable date contact us to book in for your very own casting session.